video samples
Can a Pennsylvania Yankee learn to make cornbread?
Click on the arrow on the photo at right for an excerpt from Southern Comfort in a Cast-Iron Skillet
Remember your first real paying job?
Mine was putting eyes on chocolate bunnies at the Luden's Candy Factory.
Click on the arrow on the photo at left for an excerpt from the story Easter Eyes.
Click on the arrow on the photo at right for an excerpt from the full-length story-play
Tony Curtis Speaks Italian and All I Can Say Is 'I Love You'
Two friends went off on an adventure. Forty years later, they figured out what happened.
A VW beetle, three French children, a love-struck German, a Viennese dog named Jackie, and the White Cliffs of Dover all show up as part of the strange journey of a friendship that gets derailed for 40 years until it's finally rescued by Google. What if you could meet your 19-year-old self again?
Click here to read a review from the debut performance of this show.
Click on the arrow at left for an excerpt from Close Encounters of the Storytelling Kind -- a story about an unexpected encounter, and hair appointment, with Dr. Ruth.
Holiday rituals keep special people close in memory and spirit.
Click on the arrow on the photo at left for an excerpt from the story It's Not the Food, It's the Fellowship.
Click on the arrow at right for an excerpt from Putting Down New Roots -- a story about one family's journey through Ellis Island to a new world and a new life at the turn of the 20th century. This excerpt describes a best-selling item at one of the neighborhood stores in Depression-era Pennsylvania.
A decision to eat "organically" puts good intentions on a collision course with reality in the story The Magic Pan.
Scroll down for some full-length stories, or click on the titles (in yellow) below for excerpts from several full-length story plays:
In Her Own Fashion
A Sweet Strangeness Thrills My Heart: The Journals of Sallie Independence Foster, 1861 - 1887
Silence: The Adventure of a Medieval Warrior Woman
Eglamore & Cristobel: A Medieval Love Story
A bit of long-ago fatherly advice finally makes sense.
Click on the arrow on the photo at left for the story
My Own Back Yard.
What goes around, comes around
in this story called Back to School.
A special family story becomes an unexpected birthday gift.
Click on the arrow on the photo at right for the story
Birthday Dresses.